A half year catch up with our Managing Director

09 June 2021
Kate Ballantyne

Our Managing Director, Jack Francis, recently had a sit-down chat with me, and explained how he feels the first half of 2021 has been for the company, and some of his plans and goals for the upcoming second half. Let’s take a look at what he said.

Our Managing Director, Jack Francis, recently had a sit-down chat with me, and explained how he feels the first half of 2021 has been for the company, and some of his plans and goals for the upcoming second half. Let’s take a look at what he said. 

What do you believe has been the highlight of the first half of 2021 for Pogo Studio?

“We recently had the anniversary of our flagship information sharing platform, Tailored Talks, being commissioned. It was really cool to reflect back on the year and see just how far the platform has come within this short period of time. Getting into the NHS systems can be very difficult at the best of times, so it is really great to have achieved being one of the top innovations in NHS Lothian during this challenging period”

What has been the most challenging part of the first half of 2021 for Pogo Studio?

“Every company which offers a service faces some months in which they have too much work, and other months in which they don’t have enough. We have been fortunate to get through these more tough months with plenty of projects and have been able to successfully manage them. However, there is always that nerve when coming into a slightly quieter period, and I have found myself slightly more nervous due to the current circumstances we are all currently living in. Also, when times get quiet or slightly more stressful, it can be nerve wracking making sure the team are all happy and morale is still high”

What has been your biggest learning experience in the past 6 months?

“I think it would be figuring out and understanding more about how a product differs from a service, and vice versa, in terms of creating a service, nurturing it and running it. I have also learned a lot regarding how the British healthcare system works, the third sector, medical boards within the UK, and how all of these things are connected, which has been super interesting”

What are your goals for the second half of 2021?

“Well, when looking at goals for Pogo Studio, as we have become more appetising to investors in recent months, therefore a big goal is to raise investment. This is something we are continually working towards and it brings great opportunities for the company. Additionally, another big priority with our software is to move further into the electronic healthcare sector, so hopefully we can achieve that. In terms of personal goals, shifting this lockdown chub I have seemed to gain would be fantastic”

Going into the second half of the year, if money was no object, what is something you would like to add into Pogo Studio’s new office?

“Easy. I would like to add one specific room with a massive TV and game consoles. I have already threatened the idea of a Nintendo Switch and a TV, but I am doubtful we would get much work done. Oh, I would also love a huge tropical fish tank!”