Tell us a bit about your professional background and how you ended up at Pogo Studio.
Well, I went to University up in Aberdeen where I studied psychology, but the reason I ended up here is because my best friend is the Managing Director, and he asked me if I wanted to go into it with him.
Tell us a bit about your professional background and how you ended up at Pogo Studio.
Well, I went to University up in Aberdeen where I studied psychology, but the reason I ended up here is because my best friend is the Managing Director, and he asked me if I wanted to go into it with him. After we graduated, we both moved back to Edinburgh and without any background in digital stuff, we just kind of just fell into it.
What’s the best thing about working for Pogo?
Oh, that’s a good question – there are many good things to choose from. I like – how would I describe it? I want to describe it as a relaxed atmosphere; there’s a good flexibility and attitude towards work/life balance. It’s not a corporate environment where we’re just here to do a job and go home – we have a small company approach which feels good.
What’s the most difficult thing about working for Pogo?
Umm - working with your best friend??
You have a magic wand which will transport you anywhere in the world (no covid restrictions apply) – where are you going?
Bora bora. Full stop.
Complete this sentence: Working in digital is…
I was going to say exciting, but that’s… Actually yes, I think it’s exciting.
You’re at the Pogo Studio Christmas do. What’s your party trick?
This isn’t going to surprise anybody, but I don’t have a party trick – probably drinking too much? Jack will have 1000 answers for you on that one…
One small mistake you made in the past, which haunts you to this day…
You know, I have made several mistakes but I don’t really let any of them haunt me – no regrets. So nothing really springing to mind for that reason.
What’s on your bedside table right now?
There’s a book about tennis called A Handful of Summers, and that’s about it I think – maybe a lamp for reading the book?
Finally: office budgie – yes or no?
No. Strong no. I couldn’t put up with that noise in the background. If it was a dog I would have said yes.